Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Posting Your Property Ad

Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Posting Your Ad

If you want to Posting Your Ad, never do these things that I will detail in the next few lines. And it is common for an owner who wants to sell their home by their own means. And who is not engaged in buying and selling on a regular basis; you can commit a series of actions that negatively affect you to find an ideal buyer.

We are going to describe what you should never do before publishing the announcement of the sale of your home. And we will tell you what you should do to achieve a positive effect that helps you find your buyer.

It is a fact and a reality that a person who has never sold a home may encounter difficulties when marketing a property. The action of putting a home up for sale in Catalonia is at least an adventure. And this is an adventure that is a long process; It usually begins with great enthusiasm, initiative and motivation. But it diminishes and disappears significantly throughout the entire process.

This happens due to the normal ignorance of the operation of the real estate market. For not having professional experience and, ultimately, for not being used to the typical ups and downs. That put you sooner rather than later in reality.

There is always something fantastic in people’s imaginations when they think about the process of selling their home; but when he collides with reality. It is common to see his great initiative and motivation drop. To the point of facing the process with a certain apathy and as if he were fighting against “the world.” We do not want to discourage you and that is why below we are going to indicate the steps. That you should not take if you really want to find a buyer for your home.

Destructive photography

We usually see as one of the worst things that can be done before publishing a real estate ad, are bad photographs. It is no longer about the lack of photographic vision or lack of technical knowledge of a camera. It is that in many occasions it is even unpleasant to look at.

Something that you should never do before publishing your home is to photograph uncleaned or cluttered rooms. With objects on the floor, unmade beds, clothes on the beds, kitchens with a sink full of unwashed dishes, the counter with shopping bags, etc.

As for other details such as photographing with the blinds down or curtains drawn. Photos of a corner of the room as if the intention were to show the damage to the wall. Or photos of the bathroom made in front of the mirror with the image and silhouette of the author. People walking in the middle of the room, as well as moving pets or blurred photos.

All these and many others like these, are common in homes published by individuals and to a certain extent can be accepted. But you can still see photos made by real estate agencies with these same defects. The facts themselves are destructive, but being committed by a real estate professional is an outrage for the owner’s interests.

Photos vs. Photographs

You may have noticed that we have used the word photo avoiding saying photography. And the first thing you should be clear about is that the difference between a photo and a photograph is the preparation. Surely the literal meaning of the words is understood as the same action; but the intention is to make you different. That it is not the same to prepare a room by looking at the light. That enters through the sale, suggestive decoration, order, framing, camera position, etc., then taking a photo without this prior preparation.

A photograph has a long life in exchange for a few minutes.

How to prepare the stay correctly?

Before photographing a home, you must prepare all the rooms. Have everything collected, clean and dust-free on furniture and shelves, windows with shutters up and curtains folded, doors open and all lights on. As well as removing jars of gels and shampoos from the bathroom and curtain if you have one. Cook without any or almost no objects on the countertop, not of course crockery in the sink.

Ideally, before photographing, the rooms should be depersonalized by removing personal photographs and very extravagant decorative objects. Lighted candles are accepted in living rooms and bathrooms.

How to take the photographs?

Take the picture from a corner of the room, trying to show as much information as possible. In each frame you do, make sure that the room looks well lit and if you can show a window always better than better.

Avoid photographing in front of mirrors. It is always better to take the pictures from the side avoiding seeing yourself reflected even if you do not show all the information of the room.

The best time to take the pictures is at noon. Which is when the sun is highest and in this way you will avoid that the photographs where windows appear are too white or burned.

Make sure to include all rooms, including parking lots and storage rooms. And don’t forget to photograph the entire building.

Never make descriptions “without salt” before publishing your ad

In the section of the house descriptions, which you will have to write when you are preparing the announcement of your publication. It is the place where you should generate the greatest possible emotion. It is the place where everyone stops to read, especially because it is the first thing you come across after the photographs. And many of the people who come to this part, and that is already an achievement, find what follows.

On occasion, we have found descriptions without text, this being something that we are not able to understand. Although in most cases and the most common even in descriptions made by professionals. They are descriptions that detail the characteristics of the property. Is that they are already described in the sections of the characteristics of the property, that is, they repeat the same information, wasting the opportunity to connect with the reading public.

Likewise, there are also extremely short descriptions or, on the contrary, authentic over-developed essays. Which is intuited in a copy and paste of any text related to the addition of the characteristics of the property.

It should be understood that this section should be prepared for a maximum reading of 1 minute. Writing more than this would be unnecessary exhaustion. Since the objective is that the person who reads this section feels sufficiently motivated to make the decision of wanting to know the house in person.

Begin by describing the area where the house is located, talk about the neighbourhood, the type of people that surround your neighbourhood.

Then talk about what motivated you to buy the house; It details the possibilities that your home has compared to its advantages. That is, of the highlights of your home, it details what kind of situations can be experienced there. Family parties, dinners with friends, celebrations as a couple …

Depending on the type of home you have, it will be more focused on one type of buyer than others. So you will only have to think about what that person would like to find. Do not invent anything, just transform the information in situations that generate positive emotions.

The Energy Certificate. A non-existent document

To publish a home it is necessary to have a series of documents or certificates that certify a series of information such as the Energy Certificate.

And although every day it is seen more and more that the advertisements indicate the data of the energy label. You still see ads from owners who do not indicate this information or make it up.

Although it is still an informative document on the energy consumption of the house. And although many people do not pay real attention to its meaning. It is a document of compulsory possession, just like the updated occupancy certificate.

Since 2013 it is mandatory to present this certificate upon request from potentially interested parties. All this is in defence of consumer rights. If you do not have this certificate, you could incur fines to exorbitant figures that could do a lot of damage to an average owner who had never considered selling their home before. Finding himself now in a truly complicated and unpleasant situation.

For this reason, remember not to publish your home without first making sure you have this certificate. And if in any case you already have your home published and you do not have it, put your utmost dedication into obtaining a said certificate to avoid any undesirable situation.


We have tried to show you just some details of what you should never do before publishing your home. We have also given you some key points that will help you achieve greater guarantees of success.

Although there are other details that we know that private owners perform incorrectly, we have tried to highlight the most serious ones. Do not forget that before selling there are a series of necessary processes that your home needs. The objective is to find a buyer for your home and not that you are selling your home.

Do not miss the opportunity to have professional services to carry out our recommendations. Descriptive writing requires a time of dedication that now that you have some advice like the ones we have indicated. It will be easier for you to focus on something specific. And as for obtaining the Energy Certificate. It is an error that can only be corrected by hiring the services of the technicians authorized for this purpose.

If you think this information has value for you, and it really helps you. Share with your friends on social networks and any other means where you can reach. This is the best reward we can hope for.

Do not hesitate to comment and participate in our social networks. We are waiting for you. Do you add up?

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